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Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved with our organization. You can become a member of the LGBTQ+ Foundation of Kansas. Membership gives you the ability to directly influence the direction of the organization by attending meetings and electing officials. If you would like to become a member, please see our application here. Membership is an annual fee of $30.

You can also get involved by joining our Gift Garden! The Gift Garden is a collection of queer people and resources in Kansas used to connect people with needs to others who can help fulfill those needs. Everyone has a talent or gift they can share with their community. Being a part of the Gift Garden can allow you to make a positive difference in your area. All information is kept private until specifically requested. For example, someone might reach out to us about LGBTQ+ friendly wedding officients. We would check our database, contact the people in our Gift Garden to confirm if it is okay to give out their information, then the connection is made. The safety of our members is top priority and your information will never be released unless you approve it. The Gift Garden is expanding every day; we would love to have you join! Both joining and accessing the Gift Garden is absolutely free.

You can also get involved by attending events. Many of our events are online through Zoom and welcome people from all over the state.


As we prepare for 2024 Pride, we will be in need of volunteers to man booths, take pictures, and represent our organization. Please fill out the form here to be placed on our volunteer list!